Barefoot Nina
Upcoming Gigs
Friday, September 11, 2020

Time: 7:00 - 10:00 pm
Location: Summer Grove Golf Club ,
Newnan, GA

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Time: 7:00 - 10:00 pm
Location: Back Room at Sutton's American Grill ,
Carrollton, GA


About the Band

Barefoot Nina playing at Summer Grove

Barefoot Nina is an acoustic (ish) band consisting of six members – no, seven – maybe eight – the group is constantly growing and changing and it’s hard to keep up. We’re always on the same page, though, when it comes to the music. It’s a bit difficult to pigeonhole our playlist. We find songs that fit our instrumentation and talents, and we really love sweet vocal harmonies. We do a few original songs, but we mostly mine the treasure trove of songs that we all know and love but don’t often hear done by other bands. We pull from a lot of different genres including folk, soft rock, country, and even some occasional blues.

Mostly, we keep things upbeat and happy and have a good time when we play. We especially love it when the audience sings along, claps along, dances, and generally has a great time along with us!

Barefoot Nina was born from a Celtic band* who wanted to play more often than the demand for that sort of music would allow. We happily found that our instrumentation (fiddle, flute/whistle, guitar, bass, cajon, and keyboard) allowed us to carve out our niche doing music that we love and that our audiences seem to love as well. Thus, the idea for our band name was hatched. NINA is an acronym, used mostly in the mid-19th century, which stood for No Irish Need Apply. Considering the response we often got from local venues when we tried to get them to book our Celtic band (something akin to “Move along, we don’t like your kind here”), this seemed appropriate. The “Barefoot” part of the name came from the fact that a several of our band members prefer being shoeless as often as possible.

We play mostly around the West Georgia area at venues such as Little Vine Vineyards just outside Carrollton. We love doing weddings and private events as well. We are always looking for new venues, so if you know of one where you’d like to see us play, let us know!

*We still love Celtic music, and if you do too, check out the website for our other incarnation – Lisdoonvarna